About Us » Welcome


Welcome to Star School!  We are so excited to have you and your children as a part of our Star School Family!

All parents are welcome!  Please come through the secure entrance at the front of the building and ring the bell inside the vestibule to enter the office.

Parent Communication

Star School provides several different types of parent communication. Please make sure the office has your most current email address and phone number.  

  • All school publications will come home in your child’s Monday Mail Folder.
  • The Star School office publishes monthly Star Gazers that include school events, PTO events, and important information.
  • Classroom teachers send home weekly or bi-weekly classroom newsletters.  
  • Important information will be emailed to parents on a monthly basis.  
  • Parents may also receive a phone call about district, school and classroom information.  This may be through an automated system or done on an individual basis.  It is important that parents listen to voicemails and return missed phone calls when needed.
  • School information is also texted to parents as reminders.
  • Information is posted on the Star School PTO Facebook Page.
  • Many classroom teachers will also have social media pages on Seesaw and Facebook where they will post important information.
  • Anytime parents are changing the end of the day routines for their child, they need to call the Star School office before 2:30 pm so we can ensure those changes can be communicated.  If a bussing change is being made, the bus garage or transit must also be notified as well as the Star School office.

Honors Assemblies

There will be three honors assemblies throughout the year where every child will be honored at least once during the school  year. Look for special letters to come home in Monday Mail to see when your child will be receiving an award.

Star School PTO Meetings

The Star School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meets the second Monday of every month at 6 pm.  School breaks may affect meeting times, so please read the Star Gazer for specific details each month.  Every parent / guardian is welcome to attend the meetings.  We need parent involvement and you may have the ideas we are looking for!  See the Parent tab and the Star School PTO Facebook Page for more information!