Star Elementary PTO
The Star School Parent Teacher Organization plays a very important part in the programming offered to students at Star School. The PTO meets the second Monday of every month at 6 pm. School breaks may affect meeting times, so please read the Star Gazer for specific details each month. Every parent / guardian is welcome to attend the meetings. We need parent involvement and you may have the ideas we are looking for! See the Parent tab and the Star School PTO Facebook Page for more information!
PTO Activities include:
- Birthday Club
- Book Fairs
- Business Education Partner with Bliss Clearing Niagara Technical Services
- Fall Fundraiser
- March is Reading Month
- Popcorn Days
- Walking Club
- Winter Carnival
- WatchDog Volunteers
Meeting Minutes:
There are many opportunities for parents, guardians and family members to volunteer at Star School! All adults who volunteer must complete a Volunteer Affidavit and have a background check completed. Link to Volunteer Affidavit -
Volunteers can assist by:
- Helping in classrooms
- Chaperoning field trips
- Helping with PTO Activities such as Birthday Club, Book Fairs, Fall Fundraiser, Popcorn Days, Walking Club, Winter Carnival, and much more.
- Becoming a WatchD.O.G
The WatchD.O.G. program is a volunteer program for father figures. This opportunity allows male role models to interact with students who need extra support and provides extra safety and security to our school. These male role models must receive special TRAINING before they are allowed to volunteer, and are provided a personal schedule that allows them to interact with their own children during the school day.
WatchDOG Handbook -
If you would like to volunteer to help, please call (269)948-4442 between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM, Monday through Friday when school is in session.